“I learned about an incredibly thoughtful, intricate and planned process that involves members of the community across generations, backgrounds and artistic experiences. It demonstrates what community can do when it works together on a shared vision with a solid plan, and skilled leadership.” - Kimberly Rivers
“Why the Mandala is important to the cultural identity of Ojai:
The mandala is inclusive - not just to various ages but to varied cultural identities, learning differences, diverse socialization approaches ( a person can work alone or in concert with others ). The mandala is an exercise in advanced geometry and mathematics. The mandala allows a community to tell a story together of identity both local and global. The mandala is structured play encouraging individualism and artistic vision within the context of a universal message. The mandala reminds us that from everyday items we can create beauty and meaning” - Gianna Cagliano
“These mandalas become so beautiful with the input of so many people of all ages , this is a way to encourage all ages and types of people in our community to work together and enjoy each other. I love seeing parents and children painting together.” - Joanie Chiarodit
“ The ODM fits all the parameters I was always looking for as an Arts Commissioner! It is community created art for all ages and reflects the history of our valley combining design elements of our native peoples and the artists and freethinkers that are part of our woven into our history. It is a tradition that deserves our community’s financial support and a symbol of pride of place. Thank you River for your many years of service to this project and our community as a whole. - Linda Harmon
“I was visiting Ojai in 2008, as chance would have it the (16th) Mandala was created in the street. I was so taken by the idea that I brought it back home to Ormstown Quebec. On September 30th we will be painting our 15th Mandala in the street. The selling points for our yearly funding is the sense of community it generates and the family participation plus the younger to the older generations creating together.” - Lucille Morin
"I consider my participation in your Ojai mandalas a part of your mentorship. Learning about mandalas from you has changed my life, as my community, San Juan Bautista, now has her own mandala project each year! I love the way you put it, River: I'm part of a lineage, now. and honored to be so.” - Ramona Hill
“The Mandalas touch people on so many different levels... there are people who are able to actively participate and express creatively; others enjoy reveling in the artistic expression of community spirit and awareness; some come to see what surprise is awaiting them each Ojai Day; some use the Mandala as a platform for their own creative expression (Hamsa Dancers one year for example). The Mandalas bring joy (so much color!), a sense of wonder (the scale alone is one to marvel!!!), reflection (on the themes each year) and deep satisfaction in being part of a community that can even envision and materialize this beautiful expression of humanity's desire to grow, expand and evolve. Thank you!” - Kelly Hollis
“It's a little like a barn raising where you ask come together in the night, and step into the intention and mystery. Watching the bones of the mandala being put down in the street, then the mixing of paint and later as everyone steps into the flow and you see it coming to life is like no other. The heart of this creation, the meeting of neighbors and new faces, seeing the old faces... Feeling part of something bigger than yourself... Then waking in the morning to take it all in in the light and gathering for a blessing is just being sacred.” -D.K. Crawford
“I grew up in Ojai, as a kid it was such a blessing to run free and wild in the streets and ravines of the valley. I moved and didn’t come back until 20 years later, after starting my career as an artist in Santa Barbara and coming back and having our child in the valley. I didn’t know anyone in town upon my return, maybe 2 or 3 people, but when I heard of Ojai Day and the mandala project, I jumped at the opportunity to paint in the streets, how cool! I showed up, not knowing a soul and was immediately welcomed with open arms by River and the amazing mandala crew. It felt so nice to be involved in a loving, open and accepting community of beautiful souls. And it was so well organized! My life became very difficult as a new father and then as a caretaker to my partner going through cancer treatment, but every year I look forward to coming and participating in the community art project. The open invite for people to come play, create and collaborate is magic. I can see it in the eyes of people from all ages that attend and participate. The permission and invitation for them to make their mark and for it to be seen by locals and people from all over the world is very special and very human. We are all artists, especially when we encourage each other to create, and heal. Thank you to all that keep this community building event going. It is hands down one of the coolest parts of Ojai tradition. Many thanks.” - Matt Rodriguez
“The Mandala is absolutely the symbol of Ojai Day. I had the extreme pleasure of helping out several years ago the last Ojai Day before I moved away. It was still done in the intersection at Signal then. I think the park fountain is a marvelous spot. It was a wonderful experience, true communal effort with the camaraderie and community spirit that is so very much a part of the Ojai that I loved and miss. I would encourage all who want to recapture that energy that some feel has been lost with the influx from the southland and tourism. I was at every Ojai Day in my 24 years in Ojai, and I can honestly say that participating in making the mandala was by far the best time I had at any of them.” - René Burke Ellis
“Once when my daughter was having difficulty finding friends in her new school (moving from private to public school) she came to help w/the mandala and bonded with a sweet group of girls that carried over into the school arena. Not to mention it was a magical community-enlivening night!” - Michelle McCue Harris
“The Mandalas add a beautiful, impactful layer to the rich tradition of Ojai Day. They bring all ages of our community together—offering participation for all. They are positive, creative, constructive, thoughtful, and provide an impactful beauty to the day and for our town. Ojai Day wouldn’t be the same without the Mandala. I have had several opportunities to participate in painting and helping organize and handout the paints and brushes. I have bonded with friends and my community through those wonderful moments, collaboration and efforts. And every year I have an excitement to see the completed vision on Ojai Day. It’s always an amazing masterpiece! - Julia Thomsen
“The Mandala has been an integral part of our community for as long as I can remember! People of all ages and experiences join forces to create something bigger than one person could alone—it represents (& not just symbolically) the real, living breathing meaning of community. Coming together to create beauty & foster connection is a value that is vitally important to nurture and support!” - Emily Violet Elizabeth Ball